Rent for 24 hours, English subtitles
Joe Petrosino

In 1883, after countless rejected applications, Italian immigrant Joe Petrosino finally succeeds in entering New York City's Irishdominated police force. His innovative approach in fighting the "Black Hand Mafia" gain him national fame.
Rent $ 3.99 Watch part 1 Watch part 2Salvo D'Acquisto

On the morning of September 23, 1943, in a village near Rome, an SS patrol rounds up 22 men to execute them in reprisal for the killing of two German soldiers. Salvo D'Acquisto, a young Italian officer, accuses himself of the crime in order to save the others. The film tells us how this young man from Naples came to make such a courageous choice.
Rent $ 3.99 Watch part 1 Watch part 2Giovanni Falcone

This film is centred around the figure of Judge Giovanni Falcone, murdered alongside his full police escort by the Mafia while on his way to Palermo airport. The film in two episodes begins with his assignment to the Prosecuting Office of the Court of Palermo, then proceeds with the great enquiries on the links between organized crime and politics set up with Judge Borsellino, the love and constant search for the truth, until the tragic day of the bombing of the freeway junction at Capaci, while the motorcade was on its way to the airport.
Rent $ 3.99 Watch part 1 Watch part 2Bread and Freedom

The film recaptures the life of the great trade unionist Giuseppe Di Vittorio, from the death of his father when he was eight and was taken from school to be put in a field as a crow-scarer, to the attack at Bari’s Trade Union’s Headquarters while his wife was giving birth to his son. Passing through the legendary episodes of the first workers’ strikes, to his election as a deputy in the socialist Party and the exile after a sentence of the Special Court. And the political activities from his exile in Moscow and Paris, the Spanish Civil War, the conflicts with the Communist Party which he had joined, his arrest and the historical and political vicissitudes that mixed with his tormented personal ones…
Rent $ 3.99 Watch part 1 Watch part 2Il pirata Marco Pantani

Lorenzo e' l'uomo piu' single della terra, vive da solo e non vuole alcun tipo di legame o di relazione sentimentale. Si guadagna da vivere realizzando effetti speciali per il teatro, il cinema e la televisione.
Rent $ 3.99 WatchIl bambino della Domenica

Tutto quello che possiede Lorenzo l'ha ottenuto con determinazione, senza voltarsi indietro: una casa, amici che lo invidiano, una donna che lo ama, ma sara' proprio questo a dargli la forza per intraprendere un viaggio lontano...
Rent $ 3.99 Watch part 1 Watch part 2